You need to know who’s calling on your number whenever you receive an unknown call. is a free online reverse phone number search tool that allows you to find the exact information about people’s calling on your number. You can find caller phone numbers, addresses, and Names by using their phone numbers.

This reverse phone service is free & no credit card information is needed, nor is any registration required to search in NumLookup. online tool works with mobile, and landline numbers, even with email addresses. You need to enter the caller’s phone number on the search bar given on the website. The online reverse phone lookup will show you the complete and accurate caller information in seconds.

NumLookup Free Reverse Phone Lookup with Names App/Apk Download & Review 2023

Num Lookup is a web-based tool for free reverse phone lookup with Name that enables you to find the complete information of unknown numbers calling anonymously on your number. You can check who this number remains registered to.

Finding people’s information using their contact numbers is very easy. Visit the website, enter the phone number for which you want to look up the data using reverse phone lookup, and click the search button.

NumLook’s best free reverse cell phone lookup will take a few seconds and show the complete result related to the phone number you have searched. You can also find details using Name Lookup, Photo Lookup, or by address.

The best and simple way to find the correct information about the caller is to reverse search by using the phone number of an unknown caller. But you can also check the details using Name lookup, which will display the Name associated with the phone number.

Best Reverse Phone Lookup for Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, and Sprint.

Num Lookup Direct’s partnership with Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, and all other major telecom companies in US and Canada enables Numberlookup to provide the most accurate reverse phone lookup information.

Enter your phone number and reverse your phone num look. Up will get you the correct owner’s full Name.

Download Numlookup APK for Android

If you are looking for a Numlookup APK download for Android or iOS. Click the apk download button to grab the Numlookup APK for your smartphone.

Get the Numlookup App – Download the app on all your devices so you can use our service everywhere.

Numlookup Browser Extensions

NumLook browser extensions are not available until now, but soon you can download Numlook up browser extension for your desktop for convenient use.

Is Safe to Use?

Numlookup is a 100% safe and secure web-based reverse phone lookup service. This online service grabs people’s names and numbers from mobile and telecom companies, white pages & public records legally.

Is Numlookup legal?

Num Lookup uses publicly available information, social media, and user-contributed address books to provide names and photos for unknown or suspicious phone number lookups.

White Pages for Reverse Phone Lookup

Num Lookup is an online version of White Pages that provides all US residents’ phone numbers, addresses, and full names. Phone NumLook.up White, Pages contain more than 600 million active mobile numbers data with the most accurate phone number search.

You would never find these details in a phone book or .com directory websites based on phone books, white pages, or yellow pages! Results are not 100% accurate

Sometimes the results displayed by Numlookup may be incorrect or out of date. The app has not found accurate data about the owner associated with the phone number you searched.

The data displayed by the Phone Num lookup tool is the owner’s Name, address, location ( based on area code), Phone Service & Virtual Phone Score.

Best Free Reverse Phone Lookup Service with Name & Address

Number Lookup Name is a free reverse phone number lookup service by Name & numbers that offer a minimum of 25 free phone number searches a day without signing up for a membership.

Phone Num tool is better than Caller ID, reverse phone detective, Google Phone number lookup, and Cell phone trackers.

Is Num Lookup service free?

The NumLookup service is a free web-based reverse phone lookup tool. The website earns only from the advertising shown on the site and does not need a credit card for usage.

Why can’t I find the My Number in NumLookup Search?

For some reason, information on specific phone numbers maybe not be available on the Numlookup database. Num Lookup’s Name may not remain listed in databases, or scammers use fake numbers. Sometimes, coverage is not 100%, limiting caller ID information.

Steps to remove your information from

  1. Go to NumLookup’s site and link to About Us
  2. Scrolling down will find the “Phone Number Removal – Opt Out” section. You will see an option of “Information Opt Out” in 2nd paragraph; click on it.
  3. If you have not used NumLookup, click “Manual Review.”
  4. A form will remain provided, and you need to fill it out. The removal of your record will remain based on your information. So, the more up-to-date, the better.

You should get a message confirming your opt-out request has been received. NumLookup data removal can take up to 45 days, so if you notice your data is still available on their website, I recommend waiting before completing this process again.

How long will it take to remove my Information from NumLookup?

It should take roughly 5-15 minutes to complete this opt-out process, although it depends on how quickly NumLookup sends you the confirmation email.

When will my information be removed from NumLookup?

Generally speaking, you should expect NumLookup to take 15-30 business days to remove your information from their website.

Will my information be added back to NumLookup in the future?

Your information could remain added back to NumLookup in the future. However, there is no guarantee that you will not remain notified when it happens. To ensure your personal information stays off their website, you must actively monitor it or subscribe to an identity monitoring service like Dataseal.

How does NumLookup sell my information?

NumLookup offers your information to its users in the form of a report that includes your contact details such as Name, address, phone number, and other Information.

How does NumLookup get my information?

It gathers information from various sources across the web to compile records of every individual in their database. Most of this                  Information is found by scraping publicly available resources such as court records, warranty cards, and mortgage deeds. However, they may also purchase bulk data from unofficial websites to further expand their database.

NumLookup Alternatives

Some of the alternatives of NumLookup are as follows

  • Whites Pages – Reverse Phone Lookup Service
  • CallerName – Free Phone Numbers lookup
  • Spy Dailar – Free Reverse Phone Search